Updated 6th May 2024

1. Eligibility

  1. Amateurs Only: The competition is open to amateurs only, an amateur meaning one who does not derive income as a performer or teacher in the particular area in which they have entered.
  2. Age Limit: All competitors must be under the age of 26 on the 19th of August 2024.
  3. Definition of Novice: A student who has not yet reached preliminary level.

2. Music

  1. Compositions & Arrangements:
    (a) Definition of Original Student Composition: One that has been composed by the entrant from an original idea. Compositions can be for any solo instrument or combinations of instruments, and may be performed by instrumentalists other than the composer. The composer should ensure that the composition can be adequately performed.
    (b) Definition of Arrangement: One that has been arranged from an existing work by the entrant. The item being arranged (whether from a score or a video etc) must be provided to the Organising Committee upon entry.
    (c) Additional Performance Aspects: The performance may include additional aspects such as an introduction, narration, handouts etc that will help enhance the performance.
  2. Copy of Sheet Music: The competitor must provide the adjudicator with a printed copy of the sheet music together with the complete Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS) forms on the day of the competition.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification. 
  3. Use of Photocopies: Photocopies of music which is still in copyright are illegal and may not be used by competitors, accompanists and any other performers. Using illegal copies will disqualify the competitors. Copies for use by the adjudicator are permitted by AMCOS and completed AMCOS forms must be provided with the sheet music on the day of the competition. Failure to do so will also result in disqualification.
  4. Accompanists: There will be no official accompanist. Competitors must provide their own accompanists who will be responsible for their own original copies of music. Pre-recorded accompaniments or backing are not acceptable. A copy of the accompanist’s part must be provided together with the AMCOS form.

3. Level of Difficulty

  1. Grading:  It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure the grading of the pieces is correct.  All pieces entered into one section must be of the same grade.
  2. AMEB Grading to Prevail: Submitted pieces/songs do not have to be taken from the AMEB syllabus. However, if the piece is listed in the current AMEB syllabus under a particular grade, that AMEB grade will be taken to be the level for that piece.
    For example, if a piece is listed under Grade 8 Trinity (or any other syllabus) but under Grade 7 AMEB, the piece will be considered to be Grade 7 for the purposes of the competition.
  3. Suite Movements in Sections 9-11: Competitors are only allowed to perform such movements of a multi-movement work that are not listed in a lower grade in the AMEB syllabus.
  4. Disqualification for Incorrect Grading: Should the competitor present an incorrectly graded piece for the section, they will not be eligible for a prize. If entry into the wrong grade is discovered after a prize has been awarded, that prize will be withdrawn.

4. Entries

  1. Entries will only be accepted via the online entry form. Entry forms must be received before the 16th July 2024. No late entries will be accepted. No refunds will be provided to competitors who withdraw or fail to present at their section.
  2. The decision of the Organising Committee in all questions and disputes arising out of, or not provided for in these rules and regulations, shall be final. All entries received are subject to this proviso and shall not be subject to any appeal at law. Complaints should be directed to the Association’s secretariat and not to any individual.

5. Competition Sessions

  1. Etiquette: All competitors must be present to register during the registration period. Competitors are not allowed to leave and return later to perform for any reason. Competitors are required to remain for the duration of the section. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. Silence must be observed during performances.
  2. Order of Competing: The order in which competitors shall compete will be in order their application forms are received. The organisers will not disclose order of competing before the programme is printed, unless an accompanist is involved. The organising committee will not accept requests to change the order or section unless evidence of a school exam conflicting with the performance time is provided AND it is feasible to adjust the order of part allocation within the confines of the schedule. The final schedule does not allow for any section to be extended. If not present when called up, competitors forfeit their right to compete, save for force majeure. Regular traffic jams do not constitute a force majeure circumstance.    
  3. Time Limits: Time limits must be strictly adhered to, i.e. duration of performance may be less than the set time limit but not more. Failure to observe this regulation could result in disqualification.
  4. Programme Alterations: Competitors must arrive at the time stated on the competitor’s attendance notice and should be prepared to perform from this time. The organisers will adhere as closely as possible to the programme as printed, but serve the right to amend if necessary. The Organising Committee regrets any inconvenience caused by unforeseen delays. 
  5. Admission: Competitors, accompanists and one accompanying adult will be admitted free of charge for the section in which they are competing. There will be a small charge for programme booklets.
  6. Adjudication: On no account may competitors or teachers talk to the adjudicator during the course of a session. Failure to observe this regulation could result in the disqualification of the competitor. The adjudicator’s decision will be final (subject to correct grading) and no correspondence will be entered into.

6. Awards

  1. Awards: If there are three or fewer competitors in a section, the adjudicator is authorized to use discretion concerning awards. The adjudicator has the right to withhold an award in any section where sufficient merit has not been displayed. 
  2. The adjudicator’s decision will be final (subject to correct grading). All prizes will be awarded at the adjudicator’s discretion. No correspondence will be entered into.
  3. Winners’ Concert Attendance: Awards are kindly donated by interested persons and organisations and each award will be presented by that sponsor at the Winners’ Concert on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at Callaway Auditorium, UWA, commencing at 3:00pm. As a matter of courtesy and protocol, the recipient must be present to receive their award.
  4. Winners’ Concert Performances: The Organising Committee has the right to call on award winners to perform at the Winners’ Concert. Performers are expected to make themselves available. 

7. Liability

  1. The West Australian Music Teachers’ Association (Inc) accepts no responsibility for public liability.
  2. The West Australian Music Teachers’ Association (Inc) accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of personal property of persons attending the competition.